Transformation Tuesday | Feeling untethered by the news? đź“°

Feeling untethered by the news in Wild, Wild Washington? 

I have a few reminders that might serve you well in this season.

Remember that contraction always precedes expansion.

And remember that we asked for expansion. 

This is the contraction that always comes first. 

Remember that we asked for change. 

We requested a revolution in the old ways, the old systems, the old power institutions. 

Remember that the powers that currently be were built on foundations and pillars of patriarchy, white supremacy, a toxic, extractive flavor of capitalism and a corrupt system of so-called religious authority that is warped and unrelated to the true Divine Power of All that Is, Source, Spirit, God, Infinite Intelligence, the Great Giver, the Creative Power that formed all worlds and the Limitless Love that applies to every single hair on your head.

Remember that the expiration clock is ticking on those rotten institutions.

Their time is up.

Remember that we requested an evolution. 

This is what evolution looks like. 

Old power structures always kick and flail before they die so new ones can be born. 

So anytime you’re feeling untethered by the news, I want you to remember all these things.

And anytime you’re feeling untethered by the news, I invite you to come out of the headlines, and back into your own life. 

Come back into your skin.

Your reptilian brain wants to alert you that there is danger-danger-danger so you stay contracted in fight, flight and fear.

Your mammalian brain wants to bond with others in the outrage and in the struggle, despite that it feels really shitty and pulls you out of your purpose and your callings. 

Your human brain and your limitless soul are desperate for you to get back into the realm of your own sacred contracts so you can put your considerable genius to bear on the problems of human evolution that you came here, to Planet Earth, to help solve. 

I want you to remember one more thing during this time. 

I want you to remember that your nervous system was not wired to take in all the mayhem and bad things that happen to anyone anywhere in the world at all times, 24/7.

But your technologies are feeding your nervous system exactly that.

They are feeding your fear. 

I invite you to use this season to practice sovereignty, and make your technology your servant, not your master. Whatever that looks like for you. 

If you feel guilty or like a bad citizen at the mere thought of averting your eyes, I’d like to remind you that you’re no help to anyone, anywhere, on any subject if you’re curled up, contracted in fear, depleted and doom scrolling the news all day.

If you feel like reclaiming your sovereignty to live beyond the fear industrial complex is abdicating your civic duty, let me assure you that you don’t need fear to get motivated to play your role in human evolution.

Your fear is not making you a better citizen of the world. It’s actually narrowing your view on what you can actually do to play your role in a more beautiful world, and immobilizing you from doing it. 

Whatever you can do with fear you can do much more brilliantly, fluidly, creatively and powerfully without it. 

You don’t need fear.

You just need a little space and time to hear what you are being inspired to do in this season…and to answer that  calling — those callings— when they come. 

As you sit with all these things, please keep in mind the following: 

  • The sun set last night and rose this morning and you didn’t do anything to help make that happen.
  • Your heart has continued to beat every day and night for decades now, with zero input from you. 
  • And your lungs breathed life into you 22,000 times in the last 24 hours, again, without any work on your part.

Don’t get it twisted. Every one of these things is a miracle on an order of magnitude greater than every single event that has ever been reported on any news site ever. 

Here’s what sovereignty looks like: If it feels right and energizing to you to be immersed in the energy of these current events, go for it. The next season of your personal callings might be born out of these events.

But if you’re watching out of compulsion and you want to break the hold that current events have on your time and your emotions, I hereby issue you an invitation to come out of the headlines and back into your own life.

Come back into your own life.

Come back into your own skin.

Come back to your own callings.

Stop holding your breath and waiting to unpause your life until something changes in Washington or until your kids grow up or until you hit your income goal or until you lose 10 pounds.

Your life is now

So, please, I implore you: Come back into your life. 

And when you get there, remember what my teacher Clarissa Pinkola EstĂ©s said: that the single most radical, powerful, transformational thing you can do in troubled times is to stand up and show your soul. 

Because “soul on deck shines like gold in dark times.”

Head up + heart out,

The Inner Critic Coach™

P.S.: Related — my last Instagram post.

Tara-Nicholle Nelson, MA, Esq.
Founder + CEO of SoulTour

@taranicholle on FB | TW | IG | LI

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