Transformation Tuesday | Sure-footed

The other day, Londyn and I were at the regional park down the street from our house. I think of it as our little neighborhood park, but it’s actually 50 acres (20 hectares), with a lovely lake. 

We’re blessed to have it as our 3rd or 4th backyard. 

Londyn got to playing with this sweet little girl named Skye. Londyn kicked off her shoes, and they were having the time of their lives. As they played, I chatted with Skye’s parents, who are from San Francisco.. 9 miles but a thousand worlds away. 

As Skye’s Dad and I began to talk about transformational business empires and my vision for Farms by the Beach (complete with babies riding horses, beautiful food and transformational retreat experiences), Skye’s Mom joined the girls in their play. They started to climb this little hill, though it was a little steep and there was no path right there. 

We watched them meander upwards as we talked and talked. As I saw them meander upwards, I thought… this could get interesting. They were pretty high up, Londyn was shoeless, and as a cyclist who loves the hills but hates the drops I thought: “How on earth is Skye’s Mom gonna get all 3 of them down?”

I wondered at Skye’s Mom’s seeming obliviousness at the conundrum she was creating. I tried to mentally trace where in the neighborhood the top of that hill might even be, but I couldn’t come up with even a good guess. So I said something to Skye’s Dad about it, pointing out what looked to me to be a developing dilemma. I expressed my concern about his wife and how she could possibly get my 50-pound shoeless kiddo down that steep hill, which they were continuing to scale. 

He looked up, then turned to me and said: “Oh, you don’t have to worry about her. She’s a climber. She’s very sure-footed.”

The girls and Skye’s Mom continued their ascent, till they were entirely out of sight.

One beat later, Skye’s Dad’s telephone pinged. 

His wife had dropped a pin where they were, and texted him with the location and the message: “Hey, can you guys come get us?”

And so began the second phase of the adventure. 

He texted me the location pin, hopped in his Tesla and I climbed into my SUV. We drove through my own neighborhood, twisting and turning as I surfed the little waves of my own fears and worries.

And then… we arrived. We reached the place of the pin.

On a street I know, just across from the home of a longtime friend… was a vacant lot I’d walked past a million times, not even knowing it was the top of the mountain we’d picnicked at the bottom of, dozens of times over the years. 

As we pulled up, the girls were seated on a log, eating chocolate chip cookies from Skye’s Mom’s backpack as the fuschia-crimson sunset began to unfurl itself for our viewing pleasure. 

Londyn—still shoeless and living her Entire Best Life—was full of chatter and delight with her newfound friend and their wild, wonderful adventure. 

Skye’s Mom was full of apologies… and all us adults stood there, exchanging contact information, reveling in awe at how perfectly the day and the girls’ journey had unfolded. 

I’m not telling you this story to be particularly profound or deep. 

I just felt inspired to tell you today that you are sure-footed, too. 

That beyond the place where you think you have to prove yourself special, beyond the place where you were programmed to perform, conform or be productive… there is a sure-footed, clear-minded, Wise Inner Being within you, speaking to you and asking you to take steps on a path where you might not see a pre-marked path. 

The steps on that journey will feel scary at times and exhilarating at times. 

That’s how you know it’s the right path. 

And by “right” path, I don’t mean it’s the path to getting life right or checking off the “SUCCESSFUL” box. (All of those words are some worldly bullshit, anyway—let’s be real.)

It’s the Divine Order Path.

It’s the Divine Timing Path.

It’s not necessarily the quickest, most linear, most logical path to achieve your way to your highest goals. Because this path doesn’t even necessarily take you to the goals the rest of the world will “sanction” or call success.

And it’s not a fast path, necessarily. It’s a path of plot twists that create wisdom, and wind you around transcendent everyday moments of joy, and take you into shadows where you reclaim the gragements of your precious soul…fragments that you divorced decades ago. 

It’s a path that slowly, gradually unfurls and unwinds the knots of self-silencing and self-abandonment. 

Slowly. Gradually. 

And as you unfurl on this path, you build the spiritual power you need for the next turn of the spiral of You, and you also build the spiritual muscles of ritual and practice and clarity and trust that all is really well.

Please catch this principle today.

You don’t have to earn or perform or “get your shit together” or do it right to get on this path. 

To get on this path and stay on this path, you have to take the natural-feeling next step that’s trying to light up before you on any given day, and you have to keep reminding yourself that your True, Sacred Self—your Wise Inner Being—is SURE-FOOTED.

It is guided by Infinite Intelligence. 

It is powered by the Creative, Universal substance that formed all worlds and everything in them. 

Your sure-footed, Wise Inner Being is navigating by the North Star of limitless love. 

It is constantly dropping pins to the “right” path into your dreams. The real, soulful dreams that are the language of God. 

So, be sure-footed. 

Receive the downloads and the direction your Inner Being is trying to flow to you right now. 

Sometimes it comes in the form of a golden thread or impulse or urge. 

Sometimes it comes in the form of a disharmony or misalignment, a dis-ease in your physical body or your calendar, or your home life. Urging you to nourish more. To resource more. To make a necessary ending. To move. To hit “send”. 

Sometimes it speaks in the form of the tiniest synchronicity, the urge to call someone or go work out. 

But it is speaking to you… right now. 

Affirm your uncertainty, your unclarity, no longer. 

Affirm your guidance, then await your guidance, and when it speaks… be sure-footed and take the next step on the path. You don’t have to know where it ends up. You haven’t even yet imagined the adventure this path will lead you on, and the wondrous destinations that await you on the other side and all along the way.

Head up + heart out,


The “right” path I want you to feel your way to is the path of waking up from The Fear. The Scarcity. The Unworthiness. All the trances.

It’s the path of coming to know that your tragedies and traumas in this life were not punishments, and that you are in zero danger of “getting it wrong” in this life. 

It’s the path of your sacred contracts, but not in a “perform these acts before you die” kind of way.

In fact, it’s kind of the opposite. 

This path is the path of knowing that every single atom of every single hair on your head is beloved of The All—Your Source—whether you ever earn another dollar, write another word, or even get out of bed another day in this life. 

This “right” path is a joyful path.

And every calling you’ve ever had, every inspired idea that’s ever dropped in for you, every single crisis or catastrophe in your life can become a portal to a deeper stage of this journey. 

Because beyond the place where you think you have to be special or accomplish something to earn your place on the planet, you can rest. 

You can release the addiction to anxiety and stress about whether and when you’ll get THERE, because you’ll see that THERE is illusion and delusion, programmed by those who extract energy and power from the hard work of others.

You can see that all of this commerce and goal-setting and intention-setting and envisioning is really just a creation game that you get to play, should you choose to, just for the fun of it and the fulfillment of it… and it does feel fulfilling and good to play the game and play it well, because you are a creator and that’s why you came here, trailing your clouds of Divine Glory. 

I declare that today, throughout the day, you will have moments or even hours where you feel:














At ease in your own skin and your own life

Magical… can think or speak things to life with ease 

Sure-footed. Secure in the knowing that all is well and all will always be well. Secure in the knowing that everything is always working out for you. 

So let it be.

Practice feeling these feelings and watch what people, places and opportunities unfold from there. 

PPS.: EIAWOFU is Tara-shorthand for Everything Is Always Working Out for You (or For Us)

Tara-Nicholle Kirke, MA, Esq.
The Inner Critic Coach™️
Founder + CEO of SoulTour

@taranichollekirke on FB | TW | IG | LI

Transformation Tuesday | The plug-in

I belong to this country club right near my house, which is nestled within a resort. And the brilliance of it is that there’s a Kids’ Club within the club, so when I’m running on childcare fumes, I can pop over, drop The Little Queen off for 2 hours, sit in the lobby with a glass of champagne and take a meeting or write away as I watch the light show of the Bay Area sunset.

That’s what I did yesterday.

But in the shuffle to get Homegirl checked into Kids’ Club, I didn’t realize what time it was. I was running right up against the session I’d booked with one of my own spiritual advisors, to talk through the year ahead and get his insight and foresight. 

I got myself to the lobby, sat down in any old corner, plopped my things down, set down my glass on the table, flipped up the lid on my laptop, got onto Zoom, did a little lighting-and-makeup check (we don’t always have to be deep) and then realized my laptop battery was in the red. 

I know where every outlet in the place is, but I also normally travel with a full battery, so hadn’t strategized about sitting near one. 

I glanced at the clock. Two minutes after my session was supposed to start. I quickly looked around the room, and all of my go-to outlets had humans already plugged into them.

Then I happened to glance down. 

There was a covered outlet right beneath my chair. 

I smiled. Reached right down. Plugged in. And ding! Back in the game. 

So, Brilliant One: 

I know things feel super hard for a lot of us right now. I assure you that if you are feeling that way, you ain’t even hardly alone.

And resources like time, energy and support can feel very scarce. So many feel depleted. Drained. Battery on red.

I know that even setting “goals” this year feels challenging or meaningless for a lot of folks right now. And real talk: If that’s you, don’t force yourself to try to set them. Let it go.

So here’s my invitation to you: 

Look down. Look up. Look around you right now. 

And then ask yourself this question:

What do you already have access to right now that you’re overlooking or not fully accessing?

What—that is currently available to you—can you plug into right now to get more of the time, energy, clarity or support you need?

Here are some ideas… without ANY SELF-JUDGEMENT AT ALL, just eating the meat and leaving the bones, can you plug into:

  • A paradigm-shifting system you’ve always found intriguing, like 75 Hard or Profit First
  • A Daily Ritual that reboots your nervous system and windshield wipes your emotions every time you do it, like the one I teach in Life and Self Mastery?  
  • An easeful, counter-cultural approach to creating a new reality, like the one I guide you through in Do Your Dream, or the one Laura Day teaches in The Circle

Can you plug into: 

  • A community that already exists
  • A drop-in childcare or country club near you (more on that in a future episode of Welcome to Your SoulTour)
  • A way of being you’ve always wanted to try on
  • People you know who might know something or someone you need to know
  • Clothing, exercise equipment or physical space you already have available to you?

What that is already available to you right now can you access more fully to feel more resourced? 

Here’s what I mean.

Today, I needed to find an at-home COVID test to get Homegirl back to school. Went to multiple stores. Called around. Tried to get them delivered. Sold out everywhere.

Then I posted an SOS on my neighborhood’s Buy Nothing page.

Before 10 minutes had gone by, a neighbor commented “I’ve got you”. Thirty minutes later I had a new friend and two COVID tests, for free.

The hard way didn’t work. It wanted me to let it be easy.

How easy can you let it be, to receive what you need right now?


What if you knew…

That you never needed to worry about money again?

That you had a limitless pipeline of inspiration and celestial assistance trying to flow through you and to you right now, just waiting for you to open up and receive it?

That everything you loved to do was your exact calling to do?

That doing it would both bless other people and light you up?

That doing it would bring you to the furthest edges of joy, success, fulfillment and bliss?

That magically when you began doing it, every skill, energy, idea, competency, resource, connection and 

dollar you would need magnetically find you through that pipeline I just described?

That every time you judged yourself, rushed yourself, tried to track your progress, tried to fix yourself or compared yourself to someone else or  tried to force a thing you gunked up the pipeline or pinched off your access to everything that’s trying to get to you through it?

That you were beloved of this Universe if you never achieved another goal, never earned another dollar or never did another iota of work in your entire life?

That this is a perfect day and your perfect unfolding is totally inevitable?

That the addiction to “hard” is a trance?

That the fear you feel is a program you can let run without letting it impact your decisions or actions or who you be or HOW you be at all?

That your True, Sacred Self is poised, powerful, radiant and a magnet to wonderful things?

That there is a path of virtually NO external resistance that will lead you right into the highest expression of 

you and into the most joyful, deepest actualization of your every sacred contract?

What if you knew these things? Not believed them, KNEW them, without doubt? 

What might be possible for you? 

And then… what would happen if you just tried knowing all of this on for, say, a year? 

What would you let yourself want then? 


My theme for the year is IMAGINATION.

The first thing my spiritual advisor said when I (finally) got on our Zoom session was: 

Him: Tara, this year you will make more money than you ever have before. 

Me: Eyes widen.

Him: Oh…and you will have this incredible financial success whether you work a little or a lot.

Me (thinking to myself): Oh, it’s like that? 

For me, 2022 is the year to receive my biggest, wildest, off-the-grid Divine Downloads and then to imagine extravagantly beautiful, transformational, wild and off-the-grid things to life… imagining extravagantly beautiful WAYS of life beyond anything I’ve ever imagined before. 


What’s your theme for the year? 

Please share in the FB Group


This year, I set my 2022 strategic life plan, business plan and roadmap in response to these questions. I shared them on the NYE LIVE Session, but wanted to share them again for the record, as I’m so delighted with what’s unfolding from them. Here goes! 

  1. What do I want? No, really? Bigger.
  2. How will I feel when I have that? What makes me feel that way now? 
  3. How will I work? How will I play?
  4. What will I no longer do this year? 
  5. What’s not in alignment? 
  6. What do I still need? What do I want?
  7. How can I let it be easy? 


I thought I’d also share that I’m now setting revenue goals in rolling 3 year time frames, meaning that right now I’ve got a revenue goal for hitting $XM by 2025. 

I know from coaching folks through their money breakthroughs that our minds and systems need a lot of imprinting to shift the paradigm significantly from one revenue and income level to the next. 

And I also know that the quantum leaps in revenue and income can’t really happen if all you ever do is set a goal for 12 months from now and break that into incremental monthly targets. 

That’s because to make the 3-year income leap, you have to be focusing on totally different categories of offerings and orienting to totally different ways of being than you would to get to a monthly income target. 

So my experience is that when you start imprinting your identity with your 3-year income or revenue goal, you start to hop over into a new paradigm and get there wayyyy more quickly than if you bang away incrementally. 

If you have money blocks or want to do some deeper money-related paradigm breakthroughs and alignment work, plug yourself into my Sacred Money Archetypes course while the price is still so low I just realized it’s an error! 

I’m honoring this price until January 8th.

Click here to take advantage of it.

Head up + heart out,

PS: Want more like this? Become a SoulTour subscriber for just $11 a month. Subscribe

Tara-Nicholle Kirke, MA, Esq.
The Inner Critic Coach™️
Founder + CEO of SoulTour

@taranichollekirke on FB | TW | IG | LI

Transformation Tuesday | You were in my Vision

I had a vision. 

It was all about you. 

And here’s a little snippet of what I saw. 

Everything that has come before this moment…

  • all your trauma and disappointments
  • everything that was painful or shitty about your childhood
  • the very identity of your ancestors and their gifts and painful pasts
  • every toxic energy exchange you’ve been on either end of
  • all of human history, in fact, including the arcs of slavery, patriarchy, toxic capitalism, art, beauty, justice, truth, science…

all of it. 

Every day of every decade you have lived in this LIFE….

…all of that was just the journey. 

I don’t say “just” to trivialize it. 

I say “just because we’ve all been on this journey and, like Londyn says when we get home… 

We have arrived. 

And all of that history, all of that memory—it wants to be surrendered. 

It wants to be given back to the infinite… to the cosmic powers that be. 

If you dare to let go of whatever history you think defines you—whatever history you think limits you—it will dissolve into wisdom, it will dissolve into power, it will dissolve into clarity, it will dissolve into energy, and all of those eons will be distilled down and focused down into a single kernel of a seed.

From that seed will grow your real life—Your Unlived Life.

The unfulfilled greatness you’ve been alternately running from or pining for, your whole life?

It will become your real life if you let the fear be what it be, which is just a program. 

Real life starts where the fear ends. 

The Infinite Intelligence that programmed one sperm and one ovum to combine and become the trillions of glorious you cells and skin and organs and brain and lungs and ideas and life’s work and line of descendants, even, will grow something as towering and alive and life-giving as the 2,000 foot tall majestic California redwoods from the single seed of your past and your dreams. 

So it helps to know that the anatomy of every seed that has ever existed is tripartite: 

Part I: An embryonic plant

Part II: Some food for the embryo

Part III: Is a coat. 

Your dreams are the embryonic plant. And I’m talking about the Big Dreams, like making a movie, and the dreams that feel big to you, like: being at ease in your own skin, finding inner peace and building a thriving, liberated family of thriving, liberated children. 

Whatever feels alive and elusive for you.  

So whenever you are unsure what your dreams really are, your first step must always be to let yourself want what you really want. 

If you’ve tried to let yourself try for it a million times and failed, you’re probably on the right track.

If the dream is so big it sounds batshit crazy, you’re almost certainly on the right track. 

If you feel unclear, catch this principle: Commitment IS clarity. 

Try just committing to letting yourself want what you want for now. 

Just decide that there’s no going back from desiring what you truly desire from here, even if you’re currently in a day job or a shadow life that feels worlds away from the dream. 

Just let yourself want it and commit to just that, for now. 

Okay so…what’s the food part of the seed?

The trauma is the food. 

All your ancestral trauma… all the collective human trauma. 

All your individual trauma and painful memories, they want to have what Dave Richo calls their career within you. 

They want to become food for your future, like in this stanza from my favorit Antonio Machado poem, where he writes: 

Last night as I was sleeping,

I dreamt—marvelous error!—

that I had a beehive

here inside my heart.

And the golden bees

were making white combs

and sweet honey

from my old failures.

But to get the nourishment out of the trauma and pain, you have to be willing to face and embrace and integrate the pain. 

You have to metabolize it, like your body does food.

And that process takes time. You have to come to a place of peace with letting it take the time it takes. 

For me, it’s been like, maybe 30 years. 

So you have to continue processing your old, unprocessed trauma and then simultaneously use the skills you gain doing that to process, in real time, the new trauma that comes along with living daily human life on Planet Earth. 

And then to get maximum nutrition out of this, you also have to avoid the very common dream-killing thing of making your healing from trauma be a prerequisite for stepping into your powers and cultivating your dreams. 

You have to be moving into your dreams at the same time as you process the unprocessed, because the trauma healing is an ongoing part of the human journey, and because there are some un-traumatizing things, some parts of the process of rewiring your old traumatized relational templates with life that you can only do as you take scary steps forward and see what gets stirred up and what new synapses and feedback loops start to connect. 

Okay. Part 3 of the seed is a coat. 

The coat is the blessing of sacred alignment. 

Your alignment with the holy, the special and the meaningful.

Your alignment with your own sacred contracts. Your alignment with the unique spirit and personality you came here with—your alignment with the unique glory of you and how you came here to benefit all of humanity. 

Your True, Sacred Self. The Divinity within you. The Divinity that is you.

The coat of protection around your embryonic dream and its good is the alignment between your life and how you spend it with the uniquely genius expression of your gifts that is only possible when you stop performing for external validation and get in the flow of being, doing, creating, learning, actualizing, aligning. 

Back in the 1900s, the old Black preachers would talk about how a seed has to die for the plant to be born. 

And that’s not entirely accurate. 

The coat of the seed doesn’t die when the plant is mature. The coat is shed when the baby embryo plant is ready to start growing up in earnest.

The coating provides protection as long as necessary, until it falls away to reveal the nourished, fed embryo plant—still a tiny baby plant—so that plant can get rained on and sunshined on and germinated and pollinated. 

In other words, if you’re waiting to be ready to start doing your dreams, you’re waiting way too long, [First Name].

In one path of the Vajrayana Tibetan Buddhist tradition, the ultimate level of awakening is known as attaining the rainbow body. 

See, the Vajrayana lineage sees our human, physical bodies as the creative output of the elements of the cosmos having been bathing in radiant, bright light for eons and eons. 

So when an awakening human being steps through the final threshold of enlightenment, their physical body “dies” and the resulting illumination is literal: their bodies are said to dis-integrate into rainbows, leaving nothing but hair, fingernails, teeth and clothes behind. 

So right now, as you begin to step into the threshold of 2022 and all the awakening I declare it will hold for you, I want you to simply set the intention to let some things die a mini version of the rainbow “death”. 

Let whatever limiting personal mythology you’ve been living…

Whatever stories you tell about who you are… 

Whatever you’ve been doing to stay on the human suffering hamster wheel for money, status, prestige, external admiration…

Let that shit stay in place only for as long as you need to for the unedited dream to get as nourished as it needs to be to be in tiny seedling form so it can come out and get rained on and sunshined on and pollinated into, so it can grow.

(And not one minute longer than that.)

Then let the small you slowly, gradually dis-integrate and fall away to reveal the Big Dream that’s been beneath, all this time. 

And let that be a rainbow death, where the hamster wheel small version of you dissolves and disintegrates to liberate Your Big Self—a glorious energy body in the form of a radiant, colorful light show that takes your own breath away and feels like a gift to glimpse your own eyes in the mirror. 

I declare that 2022 is for nourishing your REAL dreams.

The big ones. 

So right now, begin the process of tuning into what your real dream is, and let yourself begin to fall in love with that future. 

Can you do that for me? 

More importantly, can you do that for YOU?

Head up + heart out,

PS: In case you missed it…

Here’s the story of me and The Most Reverend Desmond Tutu.

And here’s what Londyn’s been manifesting lately.

Stay tuned for my first Metaphysician Movie Review, where I’ll illuminate the archetypes and Spiritual Strategy™ takeaways from Disney’s Encanto… wouldn’t hurt you to watch it now to get ready!

Tara-Nicholle Kirke, MA, Esq.
The Inner Critic Coach™️
Founder + CEO of SoulTour

@taranichollekirke on FB | TW | IG | LI

Transformation Tuesday | The Million Dollar Decision I made today

There’s a teacher I know who says people who want to be millionaires should stop making broke ass decisions and start making decisions that move them closer to making a million dollars instead. Seems right, at least directionally. 

Money’s great. Also directionally. To the extent that money is time is freedom is energy, I’m into it. 

But the biggest million dollar decisions I’ve ever made in my life were the decisions I made to walk away from a job that offered me seven-figures to stay and to turn down several million dollars in venture capital funding for SoulTour.

There was nothing inherently wrong with that job or with taking venture money. 

But my Inner Guidance was not on board, and voiced its opposition LOUDLY. 

My biggest Million Dollar Decisions were to turn down millions and prioritize meaning. 

And as a wonderful side effect…  from these decisions, millions of dollars will ultimately flow.

Because we’re raised from childhood to perform, conform and produce our way to “success”, you might think that success is all about making the right moves, having the right strategies, making the right decisions and having the right connections. 

But I know otherwise. 

I know that what society calls success is laughable in the cosmic context, because you can’t get ahead on a hamster wheel… you can just get more and more convinced that the hamster wheel is the real world.

And I know that the moments that feel the most like success to me are not hamster wheel moments—they’re moments of transcendent connection and creation for the flow of it, for the sake of it.

Standing next to my friend Celena while we push exhilarated toddlers on the swings and revel in the redwoods around us. 

Sitting at the bar with a kale salad, some fries and a glass of champagne, watching the chapters of my next book take shape as they pour straight into me from Spirit and off my fingertips. 

Speaking the empire of my soul to life as I leave voice memos for my team about my (brilliant, if I do say so myself) business ideas.

Unapologetically speaking life into an audience, at a conference or on a Zoom session. 

Shopping with Londyn (aka letting this radiant baby goddess sprinkle love-dust on all the peoples) at the farmer’s market, in Oakland or in Mexico. 

That’s my definition of success: a life in which you get to spend a lot of your time in beautiful paces surrounded by beautiful things doing things you deem meaningful with whomever you choose (and you choose well)… a life where you feel and operate like the powerful creator you are… a life where your thoughts turn into things frequently and flowfully… and where you feel connected and creative all along the way. 

Don’t get it twisted. Even my version of success requires money, sure. 

But it takes even more time, space, clarity about who you are and what you’re about when you get off the hamster wheel and the sovereignty to hustle less, output less and still make let it rain. 

So, to my mind, the real baller decisions aren’t engineered to make you a million dollars. Real talk? That money is make-able, millions and millions of ways. 

So the real flex is not to make a million, it’s to magnetize the money to do what you want, while you are becoming the being you came here to be, fulfilling yourself as you came here to be fulfilled and having millions of big and small, mundane and peak, transcendent, beautiful, meaningful moments all along the way. And of course, as you become the creator you came here to be, you can make your life a magnet to millions, too.

But the millions are the means, not the end. 

And focusing on them AS the end? It’s seriously uninspiring and rarely works. 

Someone literally handed me a check for millions once, but it was the culmination of a long series of events which started when I chose the lesser-paying, more meaningful thing. 

Only 20% of whether you’ll be “successful” in this life has anything to do with the bread-and-butter decisions you make. 

The other 80% is based on your inner wellbeing—your spiritual wellbeing. 

That’s what determines how clear your mind is, how grounded your energy is and how consistent your actions are. That’s what determines how inspired your ideas are. 

That’s what determines how often you dwell in your zone of genius. 

That’s what determines what opportunities you see…and take action on.

That’s what determines whether you can commit and stay the course long enough to let your so-called “failures”, painful patterns, obstacles and disappointments do their work within you. 

When your inner well is full and your spiritual pipeline is expanded to wide open, you could make 490 strategically “wrong” decisions and still thrive. And every single one of those 490 decisions would have gifted you with some tasty morsel of wisdom, clarity, power or maturity along the way. 

Because in this culture’s performative obsession that says you’ve gotta meditate, pray, retreat, send love and light, go vegan and stay woke to check the “spiritual” box, what gets lost is this: TRUST.

One of the most delicious elements of mature, spiritual wellbeing is knowing FOR SURE that help is always on the way, so you needn’t fret, worry or perfectionist the joy out of the journey.

And the cherry on top of TOTAL TRUST that Divine Order and Divine Timing are real is learning how to register, recognize, allow and accept assistance to flow, flow, flow your boat gently down the stream of happiness, success and abundance. 

That’s how you do big things and live big dreams.

You don’t have to do them all alone. 

You can’t even do them all alone.  And that’s just fine, because you won’t need to. 

When you get tired of playing this culture’s bullshit unworthiness games, and you decide there’s just no other option for you but to muster up the courage to let yourself want the fullness of what you really want in life?

The heavens will open and pour out assistance, in heaping, overflowing, bucketloads, upon you. 

That was a word for someone today. So back to those Million Dollar Decisions. 

I made one this morning.

My dearly beloved Ace #1 babysitter walked in the door to cover me during this school holiday so I could run to the doctor’s office. 

And I bought out her overnight sessions… for all of 2022. 

See, remember when I said that if you tend to your spiritual wellbeing first and foremost, the right strategic moves and decisions will become clear to you, even if you take 490 wrong roads before you take the right one? 

Well, I’ve had multiple sources share the three-part message that 1) SO MUCH ASSISTANCE is trying to get to me, and 2) I’m not receiving all of it and 3) that when I do it will exponentially multiply my success, happiness, abundance and alignment. 

Listen. First and foremost: Kudos to me. 

I’m ending 2021 so, so much more resourced than I started it. 

I made an intentional effort to get much more deeply connected. Supported. In these beautiful, reciprocal relationships. And I have.

Yet I still find myself with weeks that go by, feeling like the inspirations are pent up and piling up… weeks where I’ve got this Netflix concept and that TED Tak concept that need to come out, but no time to let ‘em on out. 

But I also made a decision this year that the seemingly mundane things of life, like time with friends and respectful, intentional, attentional parenting matter to me… a lot. 

I decided to limit the baby’s hours in playschool because this is the only time she’ll ever be 4, and the opportunity to swing with her and read the goddess book to her and teach her how to ride a bike is much more fleeting and precious than the opportunities to create books and business thangs.

So I wrote in my journal over and over again: Infinite Spirit show me the way.

Show me the way I can have both ALL OF THAT and ALL OF THIS.

SPIRIT! I demanded. Reveal it! How might it look?

Well, it looks deep. 

It looks like needing hours and days to go deep and create. And it looks like two nights a month off from bath-giving and nighttime-routine-doing. 

And that’s the Million Dollar Decision I made today.

But I hope what’s become obvious by now is that making Million Dollar Decision is not about money.  

It’s about getting out of the way of your own Best Life. And about getting into alignment to what you are creating. 

If you are a person who tends to do things the hard way, it’s usually a decision that unblocks your creative power by allowing more assistance to flow. 

I share this now because I know you’re mentally, spiritually and logistically beginning the offramp from this year into 2022. 

And I know (because you’ve asked) that you’re wondering what I do to leave one year and begin the next. 

I close a last few open loops.

I slow my ass down.

I metabolize what I’m ready to leave behind in 2021 (or in 1993 or whatever).

I sit and get still and get out of FIXING or JUDGING or even DOING TOO MUCH energy.

I start to revel in my wins and bring “all is well” energy into the atmosphere.

And I start imagining. 


Giving thanks that the dream now becomes real, in a perfect way. And I refrain from acting, or action planning too much even. 

Instead, I focus my energy on ALIGNING to the possibilities I want to turn into realities. 

I ask myself what’s not in alignment. And I scan the field of possibilities for what alignments I might create.  And as a result, every once in a while, I book a twice-monthly overnight sitter for a year.  Let me close with an invitation. 

I invite you to hold all these things in your big heart as you imagine the reality you want in 2022:

  1. Revel in your wins. 
  2. Shed what feels bad aka what no longer serves you and don’t feel the need to spend a single moment justifying or explaining why you’re shedding it. 
  3. Commit to let things take the time they take. That usually looks like doubling or tripling your timelines and halving or thirding the list of things you want to do next year. Slash away. 
  4. Select only goals that seem like they’d feel super GOOD to you as you work toward them, even if you never actually reached them. 
  5. Decide to judge how successful you are next year by how much joy you experience every day.
  6. Remember that even INACTION is a decision, and can be a very wise one to make.
  7. Prioritize alignment over action. 

As you start to make decisions that lay the groundwork for your 2022, remember that your Million Dollar Decisions are all alignment decisions. 

They are decisions to look with frank, loving, self-compassionate self-awareness at all of the elements of your life and see what is not in alignment with the reality you want, then focus on creating space and systems, receiving assistance and resources and cultivating trust. 

They are decisions to dare to take action on inspirations when they come, and not give up in the middle. 

They are unblocking decisions—the ones that take a limiting factor OFF.

They are the decisions that value as precious your time, YOUR LIFE FORCE and your zone of genius… and that replenish all of the above.

Actually, as I think of it… I would call these Self-Actualization Decisions except the acronym SAD is backwards so I’ll keep working on a better name. 

Here are a few other Million Dollar Decisions I’ve made recently:

  1. I hired people and chose to work on my relationships with them and our work flows in an ongoing way instead of firing everybody like I used to do.
  2. I committed over and over again to my callings, to my Best Author Life, to the vision of Farm by the Beach, to a thriving SoulTour and to the overarching transformational empire I’m here to create, for the benefit of all. 
  3. I acquired a 9Round kickboxing fitness franchise that was already profitable and already had a team in place, because one thing I know I’m called to do is to build said empire without swinging a hammer. 
  4. I joined a country club near my home to get off the endless waitlists for kids enrichment lessons, to have a warm pool and a hot sauna always at the ready and to have a KIds’ Club where I could take L during meetings.
  5. I got a fancy iPhone in addition to my “real” phone to have a dedicated device for social media that doubles as a “Freedom Phone”.
  6. I stopped coaching and fired a really wonderful, really lucrative corporate client to clear my precious childcare-free hours for the creating I need to do. 
  7. I let go of some longtime, long-cherished business relationships that weren’t in alignment with what I’m creating, no matter how much I love the people involved.
  8. I decided to take a sacred pause and invite the A-list to throw their hats in the ring to work with me, instead of immediately replacing the folks from line 7 with the easy choices.
  9. I invested tens of thousands of dollars’ worth of time and money in leading-edge treatments for my tendons and my PTSD. 

Hit reply or come to the Spiritual Strategy Facebook Group and let me know what Self-Actualizing Investments you’re making as you get on the 2022 onramp.

Head up + heart out,

PS: Pro Tip for Kindle Readers—you can print these to pdf and email them to your Kindle address, to have them at hand for when you’re in wind-down mode. 

My friend Jonathan just shared how to do this in his 2021 Life Experiment recap. Check it out, here

PPS: Click here to read the last 200 (!!!) editions of the SoulTour Newsletter.

Tara-Nicholle Kirke, MA, Esq.
The Inner Critic Coach™️
Founder + CEO of SoulTour

@taranichollekirke on FB | TW | IG | LI

Transformation Tuesday | How to Get off the Struggle Bus

There are two kinds of difficulty we opt into in our lives and our businesses, usually unconsciously: desirable difficulty and unnecessary, undesirable difficulty. 

Desirable difficulty is a concept related to what gamers know as HARD FUN. It’s the difficulty we choose, and delight in during the doing. It’s part of the engrossing, lose-track-of-time, drop in deep and just delight in the joy of DOING state of consciousness we call FLOW. 

The other kind of difficulty is unnecessary, undesirable difficulty.

This kind of difficulty is based in fear.

It’s a tricky little way we subconsciously stop ourselves from doing the game-changing passion projects and life changes that scare us before we even get started.

We make things way harder than they need to be. 

Over time, this kind of difficulty saves us from having to take the risks involved in doing our dreams.

Because you get perceived safety as a payoff, making things harder than they need to be becomes a pattern… an unconscious program you replay and recreate over and over again. 

This kind of difficulty becomes a pattern… an unconscious program we replay and recreate over and over again. 

This sort of difficulty–the totally unnecessary, unavoidable kind—shows up because we’re afraid of the glory of our own True Selves and Big Dreams, and because we’re even more afraid of how exposed and vulnerable we might will feel along the way.

It shows up because we’re afraid of rejection and aloneness, and because we’re afraid to even let ourselves fully want what we really want.

So we make doing our dreams much, much harder than it needs to be, proving our Inner Critic right which, in turn, keeps our books unwritten, our loves unexpressed, our liberated lives unlived and our callings unanswered.

This unnecessary, undesirable, dream-stealing difficulty shows up as difficulty we create by not seeing easier ways to do the tiniest tasks and the masterpiece project alike.

Unnecessary, undesirable difficulty looks like the habit of giving yourself a hard time about where you are right now, which creates turbulence within, saps the energy you need to create your future and makes everything feel SO DAMN HARD.

It shows up as perfectionism, the enemy of inspired ideas, joyful impulses and soul-deep callings.

It shows up as I’ll-do-it-myself syndrome when there is assistance all around us just pacing in the hall, chewing gum, waiting for us to open the door and receive it.

It shows up as choosing careers, relationships and lives that are misaligned with who you really are, which causes even the easiest thing to feel…difficult.

It shows up as a chronic habit giving yourself a hard time about where you are right now, creating a pervasive sense of turbulence within that saps the energy you need to create the future you desire, making literally every step feel SO hard.

It shows up as overthinking. Overplanning. Too much troubleshooting, too little trust. Not seeing how everything is experimental. Trying to hard to avoid unwanted outcomes. Trying too hard to get it all right under your own hard effort and power.

Here’s a House Rule of the Universe for when things start to feel too hard: The struggle FEELS real… but it’s not true.

What is true is that when you hit those moments of total alignment—thoughts, actions and emotions aligned… values, beliefs, identity and desires align… systems, relationships and environments align— nothing feels hard.

It feels like soaring on eagle wings, like when the bird catches a current and doesn’t have to flap at all but still soars higher, banks and turns, and coasts higher still.

It feels like you placed the cosmic order and now the phone starts ringing and the emails start pouring in, and the offers to work with people you love and who love you for wonderful pay just start showing up… and it feels easy.

It feels like all the dogs and all the babies and the lovers and the brilliant besties and the lovely neighbors itching to do sweet little favors for you… they all just show up and show out in wonderful ways.

It feels bustling and joyful. It feels smooth and warm. It feels open and love.

It feels pure and peace.

You feel solid and secure.

But you can’t ride the unnecessary difficulty bus and the pure peace and bustling joy bus at the same time, Brilliant One.

So today I want to offer you my go-to Spiritual Strategies for those seasons when I can feel myself missing the path of least resistance over and over again:

Spiritual Strategy #1 for these times is to take a freaking break and refuse to judge yourself for taking the break. Take a break from the subject. Take a nap. Take a vacation. Take a detour. Take a moment. Take a sacred pause. Put the topic on ice for a minute or a month. Light a candle or go have some fries and champagne. Or do both. Whatever works.

Spiritual Strategy #2 for getting off the struggle bus is to wake up in the morning, meditate and pray or do whatever you do to get your mind still, then write across the top of your journal these words: HOW EASY CAN I LET THIS BE?

Then, keep writing, brain-dump style and see what comes out.

And then, all day throughout the day, when things start feeling struggly, say to Spirit: LET THIS BE EASY.

And ask yourself again: HOW EASY CAN I LET THIS BE?

Spiritual Strategy #3 for un-struggling your life is something I use right after #2, and I call it the Unnecessary Difficulty Detector. I simply scan the struggle subject and note where I’m making things harder than necessary or where I’m doing something I could wait on, or could get help on.

This is where you get to build the muscle of shining the light of self-awareness without judging yourself for what you see.

Ask yourself:

  • Where are you making things harder than necessary?
  • Where are you adding false prerequisites? 
  • Where are you trying to do something without first being well-resourced (or well-rested)?
  • Where are you not setting a boundary that would open space and ease? 
  • Where could you get some help or stretch your timelines and deadlines out? 
  • What are you telling yourself has to happen right now that… just doesn’t?

Once you see it, you can cease and desist the Unnecessary Difficulty-Making, even if that leaves a temporary gap where nothing is happening at all on the topic for a while. 

In my experience, that gap is where Source/Spirit/God/All That Is/Divine Creative Power loves to show up, take the wheel and drive fast. 

Struggle-Removing Spiritual Strategy #4 might surprise you. Take the topic of your angst and just jot down your 10 Favorite Things on the subject. 

Under the spiritual law of attraction, what we focus on, we call in and build momentum around.

When we’re focused on what’s not working and we’re focused on fixing it, it almost always backfires, because what we think we’re fixing, we’re actually attracting more of. 

That’s why our unwanted patterns continue… we keep them activated and relive the same script that got us into the unwanted situation in the first place.

But catch this principle: When we focus on our 10 Favorite Things, we call in more like that, too. 

When you focus on your 10 Favorite Things about a person, or a topic, or your job, or your home, you upgrade the whole atmosphere and more components, more inspirations and more like your 10 Favorite Things begin to flow your way. 

Last week, I was perseverating on something that felt super broken and I wasn’t sure what to do about it. 

So I started to list out—on paper, in bullets and bad grammar—my 10 Favorite Things about the situation and every person involved in it. 

I kid you not, before the day was over, someone I had never even met was texting me, offering me a beautiful solution to the problem. 

Today, I want you to remember that the Divine Order path into your Biggest Dreams is decorated with moments of delectable, desirable difficulty of the flow-sparking sort… 

And I want you to remember that the definition of soul-level calling includes: 

  • You’re not ready to do it, and
  • You don’t have everything you need to do it, 
  • Yet.

And I want to invite you to close your eyes, let yourself imagine yourself living your #1 dream in a graceful, delightful way that is so purely emotional and not at all logistical.

And I want you to fall in love with that image or story or version of yourself.

And then I want you to make a decision with me today. A decision to shift the atmosphere. A decision to let it be easy. A decision to invite Spirit to show you the way.

I want you to pull out your Unnecessary Difficulty Detector and run it along in front of your steps into this future, as you take them.

I want you to let your addiction to hard dissolve, and let Divine Order light up the least-resistance steps instead.

Let yourself be guided. Know that the timing will be longer than you think it should be. Let that go, too. Divine needs that time to line it all up for you. Stand down. Let Spirit work.

Watch for signals and wait for inspiration to act. And stay out of fixing energy. Look for your favorite things.

Look for the moments that feel bustling and joyful… smooth and warm… open and love.

When you feel pure and peace and solid and secure, whisper to Source: MORE, PLEASE.

And let it find you.

Head up + heart out,

PS: Want more like this? Become a SoulTour subscriber for just $11 a month.

PPS: Click here to read the last 200 (!!!) editions of the SoulTour Newsletter.

Tara-Nicholle Kirke, MA, Esq.
The Inner Critic Coach™️
Founder + CEO of SoulTour

@taranichollekirke on FB | TW | IG | LI

Transformation Tuesday | The best growth book I read this year📙

Tara-Nicholle Nelson · Transformation Tuesday | The best growth book I read this year📙

A student-friend of mine is at a crossroads in her life. 

She recently turned 40. 

She has a great job and a great family, but has become aware that something’s missing. 

There’s a visionary dream that she’s never quite given herself full permission to pursue…until now. 

She’s in the process of taking the first few steps out of her shadow life and into her unlived life. 

And she’s hitting all the neurobiological, psychological, emotional and spiritual milestones I’ve come to know and love along the journey from self-doubt and self-sabotage to radical self-liberation and self-actualization. 

First, she hit the fear milestone… that electric fence around your current life that shocks you back into smallness and complacency anytime you try to step out. 

And I told her: The fear feels real but it’s not true. And it’s never to be obeyed. It’s just a program. And the first step to dissolving the program is seeing the program. 

In other words, you’re doing it right.

Then she hit the “untethering” milestone. The wondering of what you do really want to do with this one wild and precious life once you start to come out from under the influence of the Inner Critic and the lies of culture. The feeling of being alone and without a rudder as you begin to realize the values everyone around you is using to make their Big Life Decisions mean little or nothing to you, and it dawns on you that there’s no turning back and from here on out, you’ll have to make sovereign decisions based on what FEELS right to you.

And I coached her: The untethering is a turnaway from external guidance to internal. When you hit that, it means you’re doing it right. What you’re doing is slowly turning away from the external validation you’ve been getting on the hamster wheel and learning to navigate your life by your Inner Guidance instead.

There’s no blueprint for that life. You’ve got to build the spiritual muscle of getting comfortable doing the fearless, disorienting, experimental thing. 

So that’s disorienting. If you feel like some cosmic hand picked you up off your life roadmap and set you back down somewhere x… you’re doing it right. 

The other day she asked me if I had a book recommendation for this season of her life, and I thought I’d share my answer with you, because this book is the single best business, life, personal growth and spiritual book I read this year (and I read a lot). 

This book was published in 1998.

It is not and has never been a bestseller. 

And the title might surprise you… it’s called: You Can Farm: The Entrepreneur’s Guide to Start and Succeed in a Farming Enterprise, by Joel Salatin. 

Now, my friend doesn’t want to be a farmer. I (not-so-secretly) do. 

But I still want her (and you!) to read this book, because it’s advice is simple, fresh, aligned with my Spiritual Strategy methods, and surprisingly relevant to any dream, desire, vision or goal you might have in your heart.

Salatin gives advice like: 

  1. Be a spiritual contrarian. This book is hopeful and optimistic about what is possible from the point of view of a guy who just flat out wanted to start a farm at a time where farms are supposed to be bad business… and then did it, successfully. He starts with how to develop your vision for your farm (and life), and shares his contrarian point of view about how the farming industry’s troubles create massive opportunities for those who choose to dive in but do things a contrarian kind of way. 

In many ways, this is a book about how to prioritize your dreams over your fears. 

2. Stop trying to copy what someone else is doing and work from first principles instead. You Can Farm shares the author’s own stories about being a total weirdo and figuring out how to create a profitable farm from scratch, going back to the basics of profitable business, his own inspired ideas and values about farming in a way that is beneficial to all.

He urges baby farmers to stop comparing themselves to other farms, taking advice from banker or salespeople or doing things the way they’ve always been done. In fact, he spends more time helping the reader create confidence, vision and alignment with their loved ones than he even spends on the nuts-and-bolts of farming.

3. “Big Dream” success stories. I find that in any crowd of successful people, talk of dreams and goals almost immediately veers into troubleshooting what could go wrong (in an effort to avoid all unwanted outcomes), bonding over scarcity and fondling fear and struggle.

When you’re about to go after a visionary goal, it helps to stop talking to pessimists and immerse yourself in successful Big Dream energy like the inspiring success stories in You Can Farm. 

4. No false prerequisites. Salatin says if you want to be a farmer, the first step is NOT to go out and buy farmland. The FIRST step is to start growing something—anything—on whatever patch of dirt you have access to now… even if you live in an apartment and have nothing but a window box and some pots. That’s how you start learning what you need to learn to enlarge your territory over time.

He talks about many profitable farms that run on land rented from the people who bought the farms and don’t know what to do with the land. 

He also flips conventional wisdom on its head when he says the best farmland is very close to or IN a high-population area, not remote or rural. Reading his thoughts about that inspired me to go way bigger with my food garden on the quarter-acre I have right in the middle of the City of Oakland, vs. waiting until I acquire my Farm by the Beach. 

Let the walls of delay now crumble away, as the affirmation goes. 

5. Recipes for failure. Too big a mortgage. Too much money in single-use machines. Too much forgetting that the farm is a business. Too much working on things that don’t profit the farm, and not enough energy to grow the farm. Too little alignment between family members. Too little philosophical foundation in “why” you’re doing what you’re doing. 

Salatin’s list of “recipes for failure” is written in farm-speak, but each and every line item has a direct parallel for any kind of dream, goal or creative endeavor you may have in mind. 

6. Good enough is good enough. Part of how You Can Farm snaps you out of the paralysis of analysis is by lowering the perfectionist bar. He keeps you from majoring in the minors. He talks about farmers who spend a lot of time studying how to do things, versus his own value system of: do it now, figure it out as you go and just make it good enough. 

He reminds you that every step is an experiment, that patience is the name of the farming game, and that the joy is in the journey (not just the outcomes). 

7. Kill sacred cows to stay super flexible. The book goes IN on the American fixation with owning homes and things. He shares how large real estate mortgages and big, 100-year buildings create more bondage than freedom for the farmer, their children and their children’s children. 
His advice is to rent the land if you need to! And whatever you do, don’t mortgage it so much you have to work a job that keeps you from farming in order to pay the bill. 

Oh and don’t buy or build buildings for uses you’re not even sure you’ll want to do 10 years down the road. 

All of this is wise advice for any creator creating anything. Start with the minimum viable version. See what happens. Iterate and optimize. Just take a baby step. Trust that small things grow. 

Stay flexible for your future.

And… whatever you hold sacred? Constantly examine and reconsider whether it matters at all. 

Chances are good that You Can Farm is not about whatever your personal business or life goal is about. But that’s precisely the power of it. It’s not a self-help book, and it’s not in the normal jargon of self-help speak. 

Written for farmers, not readers or executives, the advice it gives is simple and inspiring, like this snippet from Chapter 1: 

“Write down your dreams. Write them down often. Speak of them to your relatives and friends. Seek out people who share those dreams; ignore those who do not. Don’t spend time with naysayers. As your vision becomes your passion, dreams will give place to reality. My prayer is that together we can help this happen for you.”

Here’s to confidence, vision and the easeful, joyful, Divinely assisted creation of whatever your personal “farm” may be. 

Head up + heart out,

PS: Want more like this? Become a SoulTour subscriber for just $11 a month.

PPS: Click here to read the last 200 (!!!) editions of the SoulTour Newsletter.

Tara-Nicholle Kirke, MA, Esq.
The Inner Critic Coach™️
Founder + CEO of SoulTour

Transformation Tuesday | Let’s get cosmic, shall we? 💫


I dwell in some wild realms these days. 

I’ve been to the other side of the game, as the good Reverend Doctor Erykah Badu said, FNAME. Or the other side of the matrix. Both, actually. 

And of course, as always, I’ll tell you all about it.

But I don’t want to wait until the next book comes out or the next program launches to share some of the rapidly, radically liberating, soul-at-ease-putting, expansively transformational moments of clarity I’ve had. 

So I’m just going to get a little cosmic here for a minute, then I’ll bring some strategy up in here. 

Here’s the basis: 

Everything in this Universe is possible, Brilliant One.

There are literally INFINITE possibilities for how your life might play out, for better or for worse. 

I vote for better. 

It’s not binary, like people think. It’s not like, do you “make it” before you croak… or not?

There are trillions of scenarios and life plotlines along which your highest good could come to pass. 

Only a couple of the “highest good” scenarios are hard effort scenarios. 

The other trillions are “grace” scenarios. Avalanches of abundance scenarios. You-in-the-right-place-at-the-perfect time scenarios. Help-shows-up-in-surprising-and-wonderful-ways scenarios. 

What flips any possibility into a likelihood, into a probability into a tangible reality is focused attention, practiced thought, beliefs and expectations. 

These things all emanate conscious and unconscious patterns of energy you broadcast out into the world and action you take or do not take. 

If you are investing most of your spiritual energy and brainpower retracing traumatized expectations in an effort to avoid bad things happening to you, thinking up all the ways something could go wrong in an effort to achieve or perform your way out of unwanted possibilities, then you are unknowingly strengthening the possibility that the unwanted will recur. 

The legacy of past disappointments, failures and traumas—whether they happened in your lifetime or in your ancestral line—is a nightmare of intrusive, negative storytelling by your own neurobiology, your mind and your spirit—that weaves the limited, unwanted or stressful possibilities into your present and your future over and over again. Your demoralized, disappointed, traumatized expectations become what you recreate over and over again, without even knowing you’re doing it. 

That’s why I say – hey – you can have a high self-esteem and high self-love even, and still have a harsh, hindering Inner Critic.

Because your Inner Critic isn’t just a voice that’s negative about you… it’s negative and critical about the world, about what’s possible in it, about your customers, your employees, your loved ones, the dating prospects.

If you’ve had trauma in your history, or if you have a strong ancestral programming that conditioned you to have a limited view of what’s possible in the world, you may not be able to just talk therapy your way out of this, or even journal or insight your way out of it. 

You have to work to face it and embrace it, mourn it and grieve it, and integrate it into your understanding of the world.

You have to get it out of your body, with yoga or breathing or other somatic medicine. 

And you have to reset your thought habits, first seeing your shadow thoughts and doing the shadow work. 

You can’t just bypass your shadows, y’all. Whatever remains in there remains very, VERY active in your life and is magnetizing in the people and things that keep your self-limiting, self-sabotage patterns in place. 

(And side note: Dr. Jung said that 90% of what’s in your shadow is golden, so that’s the VERY bright side of doing your shadow work, like we do in The Inner Critic Cure. You get into your shadows and you get your unique spirit and vitality back in return.)

And as you do the shadow work, you also have to do the daily rituals and practices involved in telling new stories and thinking new thoughts and creating new momentum. That’s what we do in my Life and Self Mastery program.

So listen. This culture says that anticipating all the bad ways things COULD play out is intelligent. Learning. Science. Some would even call it wisdom or experience. 

But the truth is that the only way you can get to real, deep wisdom is by taking risks and making mistakes and being willing to take another risk and make more mistakes.

That’s why the growth mindset people say MISTAKES ARE HOW YOUR BRAIN GROWS. (Wanna give your children a golden gift? Teach them this saying now.)

Putting your mighty brainpower to work anticipating all the bad ways things could play out doesn’t minimize the likelihood bad things will happen. 

It actually INCREASES the likelihood that you’ll unconsciously recreate the old shit you don’t want to repeat.

But I want you to catch this principle: Your Inner Critic loves to be proven right, even if that means you stay living a smaller, sadder, more limited life than you came here to live. 

So if you have a relational template with your own dreams of “unfulfillment” or “delay” or “unfruition”, and you DON’T actually do your dreams, your Inner Critic will issue you a hit of “see I was right!” juice that feels validating, feels like certainty and feels like relative safety within that certainty. 

Your traumatized brain or your disappointed Inner Child will continue to think low-expectation thoughts as a way to protect you from future disappointment, not really knowing or caring that by virtue of THINKING those thoughts, it makes your highest-good possibilities way, way less possible than they really are.

The solve ain’t simple OR easy, but it is available to you.

And I promise, it’ll only take you like 40 or 50 years to complete it. 😀 

You have to do the shadow work, psychologically.

You have to do the somatic work to train your brain and your breath out of hypervigilance, downregulating your nervous system and recalibrating it over and over again. 

And you have to do the thought rewiring—the declarations and affirmations, the revelry in what is beautiful and abundant and good, taking new risks and making new neurons fire together and wire together, using Spiritual Strategies like limiting the number of times you let yourself tell your traumatized version of a story—you have to learn and practice the rituals and strategies to reclaim your brain, your mind and your soul.

These practices upgrade your understanding of what’s REALLY possible in the world and what’s really possible FOR YOU.

These practices give you a process through which to find new meaning and insight that gives you the courage to stop avoiding and fearing your old traumas and dramas, and instead integrates them into new understanding, new strength, new powers and new wisdom.

These practices upgrade your expectations by helping you build new wiring in your brain, new thought habits in your mind and new awakenings in your spirit. 

They help you build the muscle of plucking from the (cue ethereal 528 hertz music here) quantum field of the infinite things that are possible… the things that are actually in your highest good instead of continuing to reconstellate the different-faces-different-faces-same-old-pattern of limited possibilities..

With practice becoming aware of when you’re telling the traumatized expectation story…

With practice downregulating your vigilant nervous system…

With practice reveling in your wins and looking for the pronoia moments in life… 

With practice upgrading your beliefs and expectations…

Your power as a player of the creation game begins to come more and more fully online.

You’ll start to dwell more in the zone of your Big Dreams than your Big Fears.

You’ll start to flip your highest good possibilities from intangible possibility energy into probability, then into likelihood, then into tangible reality.

And you’ll start to do this more and more frequently, with more and more speed and with less and less effort.

The Big Dream Deferred Energy you might have lived under for as long as you can remember will start to dissolve and dissipate. 

The old stories you used to tell about yourself TO yourself will begin to feel ill-fitting and chafe.

And your Big Self—the True, Sacred Self you came here to be—will emerge.

And when that happens? Don’t mind me… I’ll just be sitting back here feeling VERY validated about all the times I declared over every Being who reads my newsletter that “the Divine Genius within you is now released in wonderful ways.”

All is very well with you. 

I have it on the highest authority, Brilliant One.

So, here’s a question for reflection, journaling and conversation with your revelry buddies: 

Having read this, what NOW feels possible to you?

Hit reply and let me know.

Head up + heart out,

PS: Want more like this? Become a SoulTour subscriber for just $11 a month.

PPS: Click here to read the last 200 (!!!) editions of the SoulTour Newsletter.

Tara-Nicholle Kirke, MA, Esq.
The Inner Critic Coach™️
Founder + CEO of SoulTour

@taranicholle on FB | TW | IG | LI

Sign up to receive Transformation Tuesday in your inbox, here.

Transformation Tuesday vol. 200 | How to stop feeling UNCLEAR

Today, I’m here to remind you that no matter how much you feel like you have to perform, conform, produce or achieve in the world…
You have a True Self. 

It is sacred and it is golden.

And you have a purpose. 

Your purpose is not necessarily a big-ass one-and-done thing you can do and then take a nap or just… die. 

Your purpose is a verb. A thing you do over and over again, for your whole lifetime.

It’s something you’ve probably been doing—and doing well—since childhood. 

Something that actualizes your inner genius and lights you up, too.

And the only way to discover and align to your purpose is to fulfill your sacred contracts—a long list of things you came here to be, do, have, learn or create in this lifetime… unique spirit and personality that came here to impact the world. 

Lately, I’ve  been approached by a number of smart, successful people who know they aren’t living their Best Lives… and they don’t even know what to do about that, because they’re not even clear on what their highest purpose is. 

Some people, on some days, medicate the pain away. Numbing with consumption: food, alcohol, buying and buying and buying. Binge watching. Narcotizing.

And that’s okay… until it’s not. 

But some people, on some days, decide to get their sh!t together, sit down and wrack their brains trying to figure stuff out. 

They might even hire a coach or a therapist. 

They might even take a personality assessment or start writing a business plan. 

But they feel stymied, stuck and blocked—all that inner gold pent up and piling up within— by their unclarity of what they REALLY want to do.

Here’s the epiphany: 

You will never figure out the meaningful, joyful vision for what’s next in your life sitting in a room, wracking your brain. 

To get clear on what’s next for you, you have to start taking baby steps and bigger leaps.

You have to let everything be an experiment, and stop trying to get it all right or avoid unwanted consequences. 

And then let the natural next steps continue to light up. Let Divine Order and Timing lead the way. 

I know it’s tempting to think you can just sit in a room and put out a meticulous, can’t fail action plan in place before you take Step One.

People hire me to help them create a What’s Next roadmap all the time. 

But very often, that roadmap ends up saying that What’s Next needs to be a season of exploration and experimentation. 

Anything else defies the way life really works. And defies the way Divine Order and Divine Timing unfold, which is always perfect and in your favor. 

Trying to come up with super clear and tightly laid action plans does you the disservice of making total and complete clarity into a false prerequisite for your own joy. 

The truth is that commitment to discovering and living a highly-aligned life IS clarity.

Commitment IS clarity. 

Commitment to hear your Inner Guidance and head it.

Commitment to your own wholeness and joy. 

Commitment to let the Divine Genius within you be RELEASED without further ado. 

Commitment to let shackles on/shackles off be your decision rule on everything from which school your kids go to, to what city you live in, to who you choose as life partner, to what career or business you create.

When you commit to these things, you set your Inner Guidance system GPS to these things: 




Your Genius.


She who desires these things and commits to these things, seeks out these things… and finds them. 

If you want to get clear on what’s next for your life, there’s really nothing you need to be figuring out.

If you want to engineer a real breakthrough into your watershed season—think less and feel more. 

Think less and take more action TO EXPLORE your inspired ideas, impulses and instincts, when they speak.

Set down the notion that you have to think your ideas all the way through and set yourself up to successfully execute them before you can take a single step in that direction. 

The truth is that Divine Timing may slow you down so other circumstances in the world can ripen in readiness for you.

The truth is that Divine Order might take you one step toward one idea just so that you can build a skill, meet a person or learn a thing that will take you joyfully and rapidly into a destiny that hasn’t even occurred to you yet.

And it won’t occur to you until you take the step. 

That’s why we talk about letting the steps light up before you. 

So I invite you to set down the notion of action planning and 5-year-planning and productivity and “thinking it through”.

And feel your way into what FEELS like the natural next step. Then take it. 

What feels exciting, expansive, yes a little bit scary and also like a liberating gift you would give yourself? Do that. 

What feels binding, shrinking, constricting? Don’t do that. 

I know it’s tempting to want to sit in a room and sort yourself out before you make any changes to your life or start investing your time or money in a course of action. 

But the truth is, literally 100% of smart, successful people already have a solid-enough idea of what you would LOVE to do with your life to take some step in the direction of getting even clearer.

You already know.

You may have been overruling it and overriding it.

You might have some inner conflicts or roadblocks blocking it. 

But you know. 

You have an inkling. 

I know you do. 

It might be the thing you won’t even let yourself utter because it breaks your brain a little bit.

It’s probably related to the thing that sparks the most fear in your heart, when you think about doing it. 

That’s always a good bread crumb to what you’re here to do.

Tell me what you’re afraid to do, and I’ll tell you what you would LOVE to do. 

Then, just take a tiny, natural next step.

If it’s both terrifying and energizing when you think about it, that’s probably the right step for you to take.  

And feel how that feels. See what you learn. Watch what happens next, as your step sends out sparks to other people, opportunities and principalities that YOU’RE READY. 

That’s how you invite more and more clarity. 

That said: Over the years, I have guided thousands of people into cultivating clarity, removing inner roadblocks, setting powerful intentions and taking powerful action to do their dreams. 

Back in the day, I created the 10 Day Writing Challenge to gently reset your nervous system and guide you into the rituals of clear-minded, intentional self-transformation. 

Today, I’m honored to announce that I’m bringing the 10DWC back to help you start 2022 off with clarity and momentum. 

This time the theme will be WHAT’S NEXT, with writing prompts that guide you into a clear vision, intention and inspired roadmap for 2022.

BUT unlike my previous Writing Challenges… this one will NOT be open to the public. 

My upcoming 10 Day Writing Challenge will be an EXCLUSIVE program for existing SoulTour students and New SoulTour Subscribers!

If you’d like my guidance to: 

  • Get grounded, centered and focused
  • Get clear on what you really want next for your life
  • Get out of your own way
  • Discover your own Zone of Genius
  • Start taking inspired action against a backdrop of abundance and ease
  • Learn a few Spiritual Strategies 
  • And start Doing Your Dream…

Become a SoulTour Subscriber today, for just $11 a month.* 

Let the coming year be a year of clarity and purpose… let’s take this SoulTour together.
Head up + heart out,

*Includes full VIP access to the upcoming 10 Day Writing Challenge. 

P.S: Click here to read the last 198 (!!!) editions of the SoulTour Newsletter.

Tara-Nicholle Kirke, MA, Esq.
The Inner Critic Coach™️
Founder + CEO of SoulTour

@taranicholle on FB | TW | IG | LI

Sign up to receive Transformation Tuesday in your inbox, here.

Wisdom Wednesday vol. 198 | “When that lady bossed me”

I’ve had an affirmation practice for the better part of 20 years. It’s one of the ritual practices that serves me the best when I travel. 

Years ago, when I started traveling extensively, I decided I would not be a fussy traveler. I would take what I needed and assume that anything I forgot would likely be available for sale wherever I went, given how many billions of humans don’t live where I live and seem to make it through.  I suspended my family’s germophobia.

I suspended the need to get it right, to plan it right or to even plan my trips out too much. I decided if I found someplace I loved, I’d just keep coming back until I had my fill, so there was no need to be persnickety about trying to fit all the sights in. 

Some of my Daily Declarations serve me particularly well when I travel, like: 

I am in love with everyone and everyone is in love with me. (You might think that’s crazy, but it basically builds a force field around you.)


Everything is always working out for me. 


I give thanks for the Divinely planned, Divinely financed, Divinely protected journey and look ahead with wonder for the traveling mercies that befall me. 

So… during the pandemic, Londyn and I took her first international trip, to Mexico. We kept it short by design, and I had a bunch of business and personal tasks to take care of throughout the timeline. 

Our first flight was from San Francisco to Baja California Sur. Three hours seemed easy-peasy lemon squeezy, and I even had a travel nanny along to help. 

So we piled into our row and kept Londyn entertained with books and magnets and such the whole way along. 

She was happy the whole time… until the pressure change of the landing. She started whining, then crying, then pulled off her mask and refused to put it back on. We were just a few moments from landing, so it seemed like it’d be over soon. 

And then it happened. A woman sitting in front of us, who’d perhaps had a few too many of those tiny bottles of vodka for a 3 hour flight (I don’t judge), turned around, red in the face and screamed at Londyn WE DON’T WANT TO WEAR OUR MASKS EITHER!!!

My eye started to twitch, my very Oaklandish alter-ego came out and immediately leaned my body over between the woman’s face and Londyn and said: “Seriously? HEY. SHE’S THREE. I’mma need you to turn back around.”

And then something even better happened. 

The nanny, who’d been a bit anxious herself, swooped in and corrected the woman: “Ma’am! You are NOT allowed to speak to this child – this PERSON – again. Do you understand?”

The woman’s husband pulled her sleeve and hissed something at her. 

Another passenger across the aisle said “Oh, uh-huh. That’s a BABY. You can’t talk to her like that.”

The two women behind me tapped my seat and said “You guys are doing EXCELLENT. We’ve been watching you the whole time. Don’t listen to that.”

(Some of y’all might be tripping that I got angry with this woman. This culture wants some women to never be angry, and wants others to be kind of holding in a pent-up anger at chronic injustice and unhealed trauma. That shows up as gastric distress, connective tissue problems, heart disease… I’m not kidding. So I’m not talking about that kind of anger. But ANGER can be a very, very righteous emotion. It gives you the energy and the information to do exactly what needs doing in a moment. So when it comes, let it do its work. Even Jesus flipped a few tables, and in all the other world religions there’s a face of God that is incredibly destructive and violent at clearing out stuff when it ain’t right. That’s all I’m saying.)

Okay, but back to the plane. 

Soon we were taxiing to the terminal, and gathering our materials, but the woman, chastened, never said another word until we saw her in the restroom, where she sheepishly said: “You guys can go ahead of me.”

But that’s not the end of this story.

Days later, when we’d left Baja for the Yucatan, Londyn asked me and the nanny: REMEMBER WHEN THAT LADY ON THE PLANE TRIED TO BOSS ME?

Nanny looked sad and stricken at the thought that Londyn would be forever damaged by this memory. 


And then I asked Londyn: Do you remember what happened next? 

Londyn said YES! as her eyes lit up and the Nanny looked confused. 

She said, excitedly: EVERYBODY ON THE PLANE YELLED AT HER!! YOU yelled at her, Lily Rose (the Nanny) yelled at her! Then she stopped trying to boss me! 

And I replied: That did happen. And I want to make sure you know that you don’t have to let big people boss you. If you feel sad or mad, you get to cry and you get to feel that. Big people don’t get to tell you what to do just because they’re big, and you don’t have to follow instructions of people you don’t know. 

She smiled contentedly and grabbed my hand. We went on about her day. After her bedtime that night, the Nanny knocked on my door to check in about the incident. 

She was still shaken that Londyn remembered the incident, and wanted to know how I was feeling about it. 

She was worried that Londyn would always remember her first plane trip as the day this tipsy lady screamed at her. But I had a different take. 

“Actually, it seems like what she remembers is that everyone had her back. I did. You did. Strangers did. It was kind of like our declaration – everything worked out for her. Everyone stood up for her, even the tipsy lady’s own husband. That’s what she remembers.”

She remembers that everything worked out for her, just like in the affirmation. 

That she was in love with (mostly) everyone and everyone (who mattered) was in love with her. 

I remembered that we were protected, provided for and safe during every moment of that journey. 

The inspirations, ideas and whole life plot twists we had on that trip? They were like miracles following miracles and wonders that never ceased. 

That’s kind of how things go when you know for a FACT that you’re one of the most blessed beings that ever lived. Even when things go quote-unquote wrong, you know it’s just a setup for some blessing to chase you down. 

We went over the incident with Londyn a couple more times like that, and I’m certain that’s what she remembers. How everyone had her back, more than anything else. 

And I love that. Because I love for kids to know that they are real and that they matter. I love for them to know that the grownups who have a sacred contract to protect them have their back and are not embarrassed by their self-expression, but will protect their right to it. 

Kids need to know that they will not earn more love or approval from their parents by squelching their voice or shutting up. And they need to know that they won’t lose love or affection from their parents by being loud or showing their emotions. 

You might be wondering why I’m sharing this story with you now.  Is it a lesson about parenting? Mmmm, I guess so… maybe 20%. 

But the real principle I want you to catch here is this: that your own Inner Child needs you to stand up for her, too. 

Your Wise Inner Child is the intelligence within you that cries out and kicks the seat when your life is veering into a territory that is misaligned from your own highest good. Your Wise Inner Child sees you still stuck in that shadow job and kicks the seat. Your Wise Inner Child witnesses your self-silencing habit stopping you from speaking up, saying what you mean and asking for what you need … and howls. 

The cries of your Wise Inner Child might look like a chronic feeling of inner conflict. It might look like a struggle switch within that stops you from doing the things you think you want to do. It might look like overeating or narcotizing with wine, chips 

And very often, the “tipsy lady” that tries you shut your Wise Inner Child up… is your own Inner Critic. 

Your own Inner Critic will say, no… all marriages feel like this, do you want to end up alone? 

Your own Inner Critic will shush your Wise Inner Child, telling you to stay put at that job, stay small, stay under the radar to stay safe.

Your own Inner Critic will tell you you don’t have time to write or create, even though you spend hours a week surfing Facebook or meta or whatever that nonsense is trying to be. 

Your Inner Critic will say WHO DO YOU THINK YOU ARE when you even think about acting on your inspired idea, causing you to set the same old New Year’s goals you really don’t care about (and thus, never actually follow through on) like losing 20 pounds or finally doing your estate planning. 

If you’ve ever heard me talk about the process of healing and transforming your Inner Critic thought habits, you know that the second step involves reparenting yourself. 

You get to be the parent to your Wise Inner Child that I got to be to Londyn that day.

You get to stand up for your Wise Inner Child… to your harsh Inner Critic.

You get to say NO MORE.

No more self-silencing.

No more tolerating disharmony and dysfunction. 

No more waiting to be heard or to experience joy until after the kids grow up, after the husband retires, after the school year is out, after the medical treatment is done. 

You get to ensure that your Wise Inner Child has the ability to fully express her truths, observations and emotions. 

And your Wise Inner Child will do what Londyn did. 

She’ll feel heard. 

She’ll stop howling. 

She’ll get on board, even if the path into your Best Life is slow and gradual, like most paths are. 

She’ll feel like you’re on the same team.

What has felt like inner conflict for so long will begin to feel like all the intelligences within you are allies, teaming up for your benefit. 

And you’ll get all the energy that was going into the inner struggle back. It won’t be long before you’ll feel more energized and more available to yourself and the things that matter to you. 

Try listening to your own Wise Inner Child—to it’s “shackles on/shackles off” messages, or the feelings of contraction or expansion, or the inspirations or nudges to SPEAK UP AND SAY SOMETHING in the moment—just try it.

Then, hit reply to this email and let me know how you feel.

Head up + heart out,

PS: If you’re wondering HOW to listen to your Wise Inner Child, that’s exactly what I teach in the Actualization and Alignment modules of The Inner Critic Cure.

Feel free to join me there: The Inner Critic Cure

But journaling is also a good place to start. 😉 Write a question you have for your Wise Inner Child at the top of a journal page. Then turn off your Inner Censor and just start brain dumping. If you let it rip, by page 2 or 3, your Wise Inner Child is usually present and ready to speak.

Tara-Nicholle Kirke, MA, Esq.
The Inner Critic Coach™️
Founder + CEO of SoulTour

@taranicholle on FB | TW | IG | LI

Was this email forwarded to you? Sign up to receive Transformation Tuesday in your inbox, here.

Transformation Tuesday vol. 197 | Till death do us part

Quiet as it’s kept, “‘till death do us part” will jack your life up. 

My Dad is an entrepreneur in his spirit. He’s always got a business idea, and most of them are good. Some are great. But he doesn’t always read the room when he pitches these ideas. Here’s what I mean. 

Last time I took someone home to meet my Dad, he was flush with the exhilaration of a new concept. 

“Ok – here’s the idea,” he said. “What if marriages were 5 years long, and just expired every 5 years, unless the people decided to renew them.” Bam. 

It was a quintessential Randy moment. And it wasn’t really a business idea. While I wished he maybe hadn’t brought that up within 10 minutes of meeting my then-beau, he wasn’t exactly… wrong. 

I was reminded of this moment over the weekend, when an old friend started to share how much she was still struggling with her divorce a decade ago. The story of her divorce had become warped into a self-shaming monster that was dwelling in her mind. She said she was “scarred for life.” 

At that the coach in me rose up and I had to stop her. I had to interrupt. “I won’t even let you be scarred for life. We have to get you a new story about these events. I know you’ve been in therapy, I know you’ve grieved and mourned. And I know it doesn’t feel like it, but EVERYTHING is heal-able. All trauma. Everything. It’s time.”

“Till death do us part” is a toxic remnant from a toxic time when a toxic power structure purported to be speaking for God, this was before we knew that the voice of God speaks to us, through us and within us all day everyday, in the form of our intuition, inner guidance, inner wisdom, inner intelligence, shackles on/shackles off feelings.

The problem is that ‘shackles on’ can also indicate trauma that’s still in your system, and shackles on can feel like home, so if we had a parent or caretaker who was withholding, distant, abusive, narcissistic, shaming, judging, violating of our boundaries in a chronic way… that energy will feel like home to us as adults, and we’ll think that’s love.

My teacher Dave Richo once told me that if you ever meet eyes with someone across the room, and you feel drawn to each other like in the movies… you should hand them your therapists card.

So if you’re still at the place in your journey where your early life trauma is active in your neurobiology, your psychology, your brain-mind-soul-or-body, and that’s when you lock eyes with someone across the room, the magnet you have to each other is a sacred curriculum of learning… not something you are supposed to be saddled with and burdened by for the rest of your wild and precious life.

And when you learn what you need to learn in that magnet, it’ll feel like the poles on that magnet reverse. They will literally repel. You’re not supposed to overrule and override that repulsion in favor of external approval or some vow you took spiritual light years ago. 

Part of what you’re in relationships to learn is how to hear and heed your inner guidance and live in ever-increasing alignment and joy as you learn to follow the sacred, God-given intelligence that is wired into your spirit, that is in your cells.

I coached a wise, wonderful woman the other day who has spent the last 9 years out here second guessing their own intuition and telling a story of brokenness and “sin” where what they really did was exhibit the courage to make a very necessary ending.

For about 50 years, my grandmother lived with the mental narrative of religion-based self-judgment for getting a (very warranted) divorce that probably changed the course of many lives for the better.

But you know what, Brilliant One? We know better now. 

Because now we know that the idea that ‘till death do us part’ is even desirable is a lie of a culture that promotes bondage, constriction and repression. 

And we know that the origins of the word SIN is the concept of misalignment from the Divine, Genius plan for our lives. Many, many necessary endings actually help resolve painful and intensifying misalignments, creating space for wholeness, alignment, free-and-clear relationships, beautiful boundaries, real, respectful love that you can feel in your nervous system… and joy.

“Till death do us part” is wildly incongruous with the House Rules of the Universe that say everything changes… there’s a season for everything… everything is born and everything ends and that is both normal and natural… and the House Rules of the Universe favors those who can resolve disharmonies and misalignments in obedience to their Wise Inner Being, not the external validation or rules of some very flawed institution.

I’m not saying every relationship must end. But I am saying the most thriving love relationships, partnerships and marriages have seasons where some dynamics begin and end, and the most thriving humans are those who can engage wholeheartedly in a partnership through the lens of a commitment to promote each other’s thriving—knowing that will look different in different seasons, and knowing that some seasons of growth are painful— vs. each others bondage to some construct even if or when the disharmonies and misalignments grow grave.

I went on a first date the other day, and the guy asked me if I’ll ever get married again. I said, maybe so… and I already know exactly what our vows will be.

His eyebrow rose. 

I said… I got it from Abraham-Hicks and it goes like this:

“I really like you. Let’s see how this goes.” 

Let’s see how this alignment adventure goes.

Let’s see how we can play the game of invoking and activating Divine Power and Grace around and through each other and whatever we create together.

Oooh and yeah that… let’s see if we can play the creation game together. 

How much fun can we have doing that. 

Let’s see how we can invite Spirit into this game and help us create for each other an ever more wonderful life.

Let’s see how soft we can make each others’ pillows….and crowns. 

Let’s see how liberating and lavish we can help each others’ journeys be.

Let’s see how much energy we can activate and share with each other.. And with our children and our communities… and with the world.

Let’s see how much beauty we can surround each other with. 

Let’s see how much space we can provide and co-create.

How much openness and warmth and attention and affection and approval and appreciation we can extend to each other and let overflow onto the other beings in our lives and our world. 

Let’s see how much more play and ease and joy we can each add to each others’ transformational Empire-building adventure and journey into even more love, more joy, more life, more liberation. 

Let’s see how awake and alive we can be. 

So yeah. I really like you. 

Let’s see how this goes. 

Head up + heart out,

PS: Yes, I’ll officiate your ritual or ceremony lol – reach out to me.

PPS: This is not only about relationships. A disdain of ending things that aren’t working in any area of your life is a hot mess, coming in hot. I ask every one of my students to read, study and implement Henry Cloud’s Necessary Endings to grow your capacity and skills to identify and make the endings you need to make.  It’ll change your life. It changed mine. 

Did you miss last week’s newsletter? Want to listen or read again? Here you go! 

Transformation Tuesday vol. 196 | Spiritual Beast Mode

Read: Transformation Tuesday vol. 196 | Spiritual Beast Mode