Ninety five percent of the high-achieving people I work with feel like their life hasn’t ever fully taken off, even well into their 40’s, 50s and 60’s… even when their lives look wonderful from the outside looking in.
Pavlovian parenting from decades ago has almost everyone you know holding their breath to enjoy their life until they “make it”. Like only after you cross off some herculean task from the great To-Do List in the Sky, can you finally take a nap and give yourself a food treat.
But that clenching and waiting transmutes, over a lifetime, into a hard-wired Inner Critic script of “you’re not ready”, chronic delay and false prerequisites.
And that becomes a chronic habit of procrastination and hiding your own light.
Then your Inner Critic judges you for that, too. The worse it gets, the worse it gets.
The antidote is to remember that radical acceptance doesn’t just mean loving your cellulite.
Radical acceptance means radically opening warm arms to the realities of how life works in this Universe.
The reality that small things grow and you don’t have to make that happen.
The reality that every creation requires a period of gestation.
The reality that everything is a process and you’re not the boss of the timing.
The reality—the Universal law—that all expansion is preceded by contraction: the labor pains of this Universe.
The reality that Divine Timing is real and always in your favor, even your delays will bless you if you let them.
Stop future-tripping.
Stop waiting.
Stop controlling.
Your life is right now, in the process of wanting things to change and not yet knowing how they will. In the process of feeling the disharmonics that will call solutions and alignment forth.
Your life is right now.
The day you catch this principle and stop holding your breath is the day you start to get your life back.
Head up + heart out,
The Inner Critic Coach™
P.S.: My 45th birthday is Friday! I’ve wanted to be a 45-year-old woman since I was 9, so this is a particularly sweet one.
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Tara-Nicholle Nelson, MA, Esq.
Founder + CEO of SoulTour
@taranicholle on FB | TW | IG | LI
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