I’ve been sharing with my students about my grandmother, as we came to the end of her precious and wonderful life.
Here’s one of her lessons. May her memory be a blessing.
My grandmother is a beautiful, influential Being, a real agent of the Divine.
But she was also a professional nurse for decades. And she was opinionated, too.
Here’s an example of what I mean: When I was a little girl, it was en vogue among women to sort of stifle their sneezes into little, polite ‘achoos’.
Every time we saw someone do this, my grandmother would turn to me and whisper in my ear to never, ever, EVER hold my sneezes in or let them do anything but rip, full force.
She would say: “Tara-Bara, your sneezes move at the speed of 200 miles an hour. So never hold them in. It’ll scramble your brain!”
In this way, my very proper grandmother encouraged me to LET IT ALL OUT.
This is exactly how I want you to think about your own creative power, force and flow. When you are in that “shackles off” emotional place — open, receptive and feeling so free and so good — and you get a golden thread, a divine download or other deep-down impulse to call someone, find something out, do something or create something, what is happening inside you is something like a spiritual sneeze.
The very creative power that formed all worlds is trying to flow through you, at the equivalent of way more than 200 miles an hour.
It’s normal — as heroes of our own journeys — to refuse our callings a few times.
But when we do this, it feels bad. When we hold it in or play small, refusing our callings, we’re essentially doing violence to our own insides.
We feel stuck. We feel confused. We feel unclear. Holding your spiritual sneezes in feels something like scrambling our brains.
When we let it flow, though? When we follow our impulses to be, do, have, investigate or create whatever we’re called to?
We feel clear.
Even if others look at our paths and wish they were more linear, or more in line with what they want us to do.
Catch this principle: Everyone else can’t hear your calling. That’s why it’s your calling.
But if you hear your callings and follow them — even the little, still, small nudges to call an old contact or research a new thing: when you let these spiritual sneeze out, you feel clear.
You might write a poem, even though you’re a lawyer for your day job. You might do projects other people in your life think are crazy.
Or, like my grandmother, you might dare to get an education at a time when Black women simply did not, to move your whole family to a new and foreign place in search of a better life, and to spend a lot of your pouring love (and food) into people others don’t see as worthy.
You might change jobs or whole lives a few times, to the befuddlement of those around you.
Just remember: other people can’t hear your calling. It’s your calling.
The more you follow its direction, the more your Divine, Inner Guidance will strengthen and :
- burn off Inner Resistance
- light up the right path before you, deactivating all obstacles or turning them into opportunities,
- attract in the resources you need, and
- snowball into energy you can use to fuel any future you are guided to create.
It will call forth greatness and capacity you never knew you had.
In other words: It’s really, really good, [FIRST NAME GOES HERE] , the life you create when you stop holding in your spiritual sneezes and start following your Divine Downloads of Inner Guidance.
So please do that. My grandmother would approve.
In memoriam of my beloved and truly GrandMother, Verdell Teresa Gamble,
Born: March 30,1930 — Texarkana, Texas
Transitioned: December 22, 2018 — Bakersfield, California
If you ever met her, you knew that my grandmother was an agent of God on this Earth, blessing everyone she met and “laid eyes on” (in her words).
If you knew her, you knew she was here for just a season and that you were blessed to encounter her during it.
And what a wonderful, fruitful season it was.
She. Lived. This. Life.
This past weekend, her eternal soul returned home.
In this moment, I’m feeling intensely, acutely grateful for her life and her love and her influence on me, but also on so, so many others.
May her memory continue to be a blessing.
NOTE: So that I may fully celebrate my grandmother’s life, I am moving my Live New Year’s Intention-Setting Workshop from this Friday at 11 am to next Monday, December 31st at 11 am.
If you’ve already signed up, there’s nothing else you need to do except update your calendar with the new date (use links below). Thank you for your understanding and grace.
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