Transformation Tuesday | how to say an enlightened “hell no”

I’ve been having the time of my life teaching some super-short Spiritual Strategy Sessions on Instagram and TikTok lately. (TikTok is where the 1 minute versions live.)

I thought for this week’s Transformation Tuesday, I’d share some recent favorites with you.

Note that you don’t have to have an Instagram or TikTok account to watch these … just click the link below… but if you ARE on these platforms, follow me there!

  • How to say an enlightened hell no

Watch on Instagram | Watch on TikTok

  • The parable of the water dispenser 

Watch on Instagram | Watch on TikTok

  • A soothing mini mantra

Watch on Instagram | Watch on TikTok

Head up + heart out,

Tara-Nicholle Kirke, MA, Esq.
The Inner Critic Coach™️
Founder + CEO of SoulTour

@taranicholle on FB | TW | IG | LI

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