Transformation Tuesday | “I feel like a different human…”

I get it.

You’re smarter than the average bear. You do pretty freaking well in life. People who know you think you’re very successful.

So you might be thinking: “I relate to having a harsh Inner Critic, but I think it might be what keeps me in line. Sometimes it even pushes me to do better. I probably just need to be a little more grateful for what I have.” 

I put my Inner Critic masterclass on February 4th together for smart, successful people for a reason:

The most successful people I’ve met often have the harshest Inner Critics. 

Which brings me to a super-important principle: Having a harsh, hindering Inner Critic is not the same thing as having low self-esteem. 

In fact, for many high-achievers, the recipe for a harsh Inner Critic looks like this: high self-esteem + LOW self-compassion. 

High self-esteem (meaning: high expectations and standards for what you believe you can do), PLUS low self-compassion.

And that can make you feel like you’re always behind, never productive enough, and like you’re responsible for fixing other people’s problems.

High self-esteem plus low self-compassion can make you extremely perfectionist with your work and cause you to set unsustainable goals for yourself. 

It can cause you to be hypervigilant and feel like you have to overachieve and just be DOING stuff all the time, as insurance against bad things happening to you. 

You can feel like you’re never organized enough, productive enough or making enough money, even if you are financially successful. And it can cause you to do things the hard way, missing out on opportunities to get more help, have more ease and have more fun. 

Your Inner Critic is the voice of fear, so it actually shuts down access to the most creative, most genius areas of your brain. 

Even if you think your Inner Critic is making you perform better at home and at work, the truth is otherwise:

Your Inner Critic is holding you back from reaching the highest heights of your full potential… and from living with a prevailing sense of inner peace and joy. 

PLEASE catch this principle: Whatever you’ve been able to achieve with a dominant Inner Critic is a fraction of what you’ll achieve when you reclaim control. 

Take a look at how these other ‘successful’ people said their lives changed when they did the work of transforming their Inner Critic:

“Tara has helped me put my Inner Critic in the backseat instead of letting her drive.”

Joy Danner Lehman, Educator, Minneapolis

“What I found through my journey with Tara was, first, how to calm my Inner Critic. Then I learned how to laugh at my Inner Critic, and now I can let go of my Inner Critic most of the time.”

Anne Marie Petersen, Realtor®, Windermere Real Estate Seattle

“Through my work with Tara, the voice of my Inner Critic has been replaced by the voice of my Inner Wise Woman. Rather than simply reacting to my past, I am creating my desired future and growing myself into the version of me I want to be.” 

Dr. Evelyn Young, Educator, California

“Tara has helped me literally stop negative self talk in its tracks.” 

Eric Barnes

“Tara helped me to tackle Imposter Syndrome by helping me realize I deserve to be where I am and giving me more confidence. Not feeling like my work has to be perfect has been so freeing. I’ve made way more progress on my goals than I would have without being in her program.”

Sonia Dong, CEO, Henkaa, Toronto

“I have discovered areas of myself that once held me back from my true potential. I have met my Inner Critic and now I can turn her volume and influence down. I have learned to accept myself for who I am right NOW and experienced joy and peace in this journey.”

Dr. Laura Munkel, MD, Physician, Indiana

“Tara helped me tame my Inner Critic. Since I started working with Tara, I’ve changed the way I think about myself — I’m no longer a victim. She helped me establish a routine that brought the sacred to my everyday life. I no longer feel dominated by my old “knee-jerk” reactions.”

Emma McKay, Executive Producer, Montreal

Join me and 600+ other smart, successful people just like you on February 4th where I’ll be LIVE for 90-minutes for showing you the How to Transform Your Inner Critic.

[Sign me up (it’s FREE!)]

Head up + heart out,

The Inner Critic Coach™

Tara-Nicholle Nelson, MA, Esq.
Founder + CEO of SoulTour

@taranicholle on FB | TW | IG | LI

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