YOU ASKED, TARA ANSWERED, Episode 1: What’s a entrepreneurial spiritual maximalist to do when your alignment starts happening at a super-fast pace?

Do you feel like you’ve hopped into a new timeline—a new world where you are standing in a fresh knowing of your power, sitting at the Big Tables, and moving in the world differently?
Do you ever feel the INCREDIBLE FRICTION between your new world and the old world—the ordinary world—the people around you seem to live in?
You are not alone. In this season, my people—ambitious spiritual maximalists—are feeling the discomfort of expansion and acceleration of our expansion… and we’re also feeling a new level of ability to be still, keep taking the natural next steps on the path to escape velocity in our businesses and in our lives. No more giving into the urge to retreat. We feel the discomfort of the expansion and we are HERE for it. For ALL of it.
I had a VIP Session the other day with my friend and client Dominique Boseman. Dominique is a Member of my Empires of the Soul program, the founder of the skin care line Spraise and an up-and-coming A-list meditation teacher.
She mentioned that she, too, had been feeling the friction between timelines, and that following the Daily Ritual for Empire Builders I send out every day to Empire Members has been accelerating her breakthroughs, her clarity and her alignment.
So I shared with her a parable of sorts, a little story I saw in the Richard Branson documentary, about how we can work with the energies of feeling dragged between timelines… until we hit the jet stream and step into radical alignment with the expansion that is trying to come to us and through us in this season.
It’s how Empires of the Soul are built.
She asked, I answered… and you get to listen in.
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