How do Projectors “call in” invitations, and what if they can’t afford to pay for help?

A friend and client who is a Projector in the Human Design Type sent me a text yesterday asking two deep questions about being a Projector—the Human Design Type whose success strategy is to REFRAIN from initiating big projects and moves in life and wait for invitations instead. Projectors are also thought of as a non-energy type, meaning that they’re not really supposed to DO a lot of work—they are supposed to guide other types (Generators) to do work.
Her questions were GOOD ones:
1️⃣ What do you do if you don’t have any energetic practices in place for magnetizing in the invitations you want? and
2️⃣ What if you don’t have the budget to hire the kind of help Projectors are supposed to have in their businesses?
I shot her back a few quick 1 minute voice memos with my high-level answers.
First, know this: No Human Design Type needs to be out here trying to performatively cast spells and work magic to call in the invitations or opportunities we want.
Are there manifestation practices that work? Sure.
But I said what I said: You do NOT have to work or perform to “call it in”.
The wisdom of the Human Design System is that just by being who you are uniquely wired and called to be—just by BECOMING your Big Self— you get on the same frequency as your Big Dreams, and you get in alignment with your sacred contracts. And then everything you’ve ever felt like you were seeking? You start to see that it’s been seeking you, all this time.
It’s like you open your eyes, see the world differently and see the fields ripe with the harvest that was just waiting there for you to line up to the big things. Your big things.
So for Projectors, we omit something important when we say your success strategy is to wait for invitations, because that is incomplete.
The REAL Projector Success Strategy is to:
1. Value yourself enough to get or stay rested and heal from burnout
2. Master systems—whichever systems float your boat
3. Project your mastery out into the world… and THEN
4. Wait for the invitations to flow in—invitations from people who recognize your mastery, value it and are inviting you to guide them, partner with them, work with them, move to a certain place, or whatever.
So the only energetic practice a Projector actually needs… is to learn their own unique gifts and strengths and get in congruence with it. Value Self. Rest. Master. Project.
And then watch the invitations flow in.
She asked, I answered… and you’re invited to listen in!
Please note: I reserve the right to delete comments that are offensive or off-topic.