My friend, the visionary branding scientist N. Chloé Nwangwu, Principal Investigator and Director of Nobiworks wanted to know what her human design type was and how she could use it to upgrade her business and her life.

So I had her send me the time, date and place of her birth, and I pulled her chart. Now, Chloé and I have always had a wild mind meld vibe, so it was no surprise to me that a) she and I were born in the same town of Bakersfield, California (WHOA) and b) she and I are both Projectors.
Last time we talked, I walked her through some high points of what it means to be a Projector, and how we Projectors can learn to thrive as we build alignment-first Empires of our Souls and start making BIG money and stepping into the A-List world we belong in… just by being ourselves. She asked, I answered… and you’re invited to listen in!
If you want my help building the Empire of Your Soul, book a call at
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